Time for Observer’s Caledar for November with @ActualAstronomy. Today’s episode talk about Jupiter at opposition and the Moon pairs with Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus then M45 late this month.
Oct 26th: Stars Your Should Know for Autumn Astronomy
This week @ActualAstronomy discuss about the most interesting and prominent navigation stars for visual astronomy as well as some of the history, mythology and other cultural perspectives on the stars we see in the autumn sky.
Oct 5th: The Observer’s Calendar for October 2023
In this episode, @ActualAstronomy talk about observing the Planets Jupiter,Saturn and Venus as they pair with our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in the October Night Sky
Sep 28th: An Observing Guide to Jupiter and Saturn
Aug 31st: The Observer’s Calendar for September 2023
Time for Observer’s Calendar and @ActualAstronomy discuss about watching the Planets Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn pair with our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in September
Aug 17th: Stars You Should Know For Summer
Today’s @ActualAstronomy will present the key stars of the Summer sky. From the stars of the Summer Triangle, a couple fast moving stars and the prominent stellar markers for Scorpius, Ophiuchus and Sagittarius.
Aug 3rd: Objects to Observe in the August 2023 Night Sky
Time for what’s up this month in August. In this episode @ActualAstronomy In this episode we’ll talk about watching the Planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn and our Moon.
Jul 20th: Solar Observing
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Solar Observing. In this episode Chris and Shane discuss several listeners’ emails on solar observing, then talk about everything you need to know to observe the Sun safely. Topics include white light solar filters, H-Alpha as well as what you can see on the Sun.
Jun 29th: Objects to Observe in the July 2023 Night Sky
Lets check out what’s up in July sky as @ActualAstronomy talk about watching the Planets Mars, Venus, Mercury and our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in the July Night Sky.
Jun 15th: Carbon Stars with Luca Vanzella
Today @ActualAstronomy discuss about Carbon Star Hunters list of 150 blood red stars with Luca Vanzella and also his journey in astronomy from first telescopes to a 32-inch club telescope project.