Join us for the first episode of Season 18 as we review all the crazy space science that happened during our Summer Hiatus.
Sep 9th: The Search For Neutrinos
Neutrinos are produced in the Sun through nuclear reactions. Lets learn how this elusive particle was first theorized & finally discovered.
Sep 2nd: Terraforming Mars
One day, we’ll contemplate the possibility of reshaping Mars to suit human life. Is it even possible? What technologies would be used?
Aug 26th: Humans to Mars-Colonists
Aug 19th: Choosing and Using a Telescope
Aug 12th: A Universe of Dark Energy
Aug 5th: Meteor Showers. Yes, The Sky Is Falling!
Jul 29th: Hot Jupiters & Pulsar Planets
The planets orbiting other stars defy our expectations. Gigantic super-Jupiters whirling around their parent stars & Earth-sized fragments of exploded stars circling pulsars. Join us as we round up the latest batch of bizarro worlds.
Jul 22nd: Humans To Mars: Scientists
We’re learned about the failed missions to Mars. But the real prize will come when the first human sets foot on Mars
Jul 15th: Black Holes, Big & Small
Time for the topic you’ve all been waiting for: black holes. How black holes form, what they consume, and just how massive they can get.