Today’s Observer’s Calendar talk about all the planets you can see, rays and craters on the Moon as well as a few deep sky objects you might see on a winter vacation.

Today’s Observer’s Calendar talk about all the planets you can see, rays and craters on the Moon as well as a few deep sky objects you might see on a winter vacation.
Happy New Year and let’s check what we have in January Observer Calendar with @ActualAstronomy. With Mars at opposition and Venus is at greatest elongation in the evening sky
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents The Observer’s Calendar for December 2024. We talk about Mercury at greatest elongation in the Eastern morning sky on December 25th and how to best observe Jupiter just past opposition. We also talk about pairings of the Moon and Venus, Mercury Jupiter and other planets.
Today’s Actual Astronomy Podcast discuss with Mark Radice from the Namibian Desert to talk about his experiences under the southern sky.
The Observer’s Calendar for November talk about t Corona Borealis to Nova to the Halloween Fireballs, also pairings of the Moon & Venus, Jupiter, & other planets.
Actual Astronomy presents Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas and discuss the successes and failures at trying to see this comet.
The Actual Astronomy Observer’s Calendar talk about Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS & the pairings of the Moon and Venus, Jupiter and other planets.
For September, ActualAstronomy discuss about Mercury observation, occultation of Saturn & Antares by the Moon, & possible comet headed our way
How to observe the Perseid meteor shower,Lunar X and Straight Wall, Minor Planets Iris and Psyche plus bright comets.