Sep 24th: Is There Really Life on Venus?

Sep 3rd: The Election Day Asteroid is Lame
About the Asteroid That Will Destroy Earth Right Before Election Day Hmm really? Listen to today’s space radio with @PaulMattSutter at #365DaysOfAstro

Aug 6th: Helicopters on Mars
Here we go! We will have helicopter flying on Mars. It is on the way to Mars mounted on Perseverance rover. More about it and how do we hunt life on Mars & Why aren’t we going to Europa?

Jul 30th: I Took a Photo-Graph of an Exo-Planet
A family portrait of exoplanet. How do solar sails work? What triggers a supernova explosion? @PaulMattSutter will discuss this topic on today’s #spaceradio at #365DaysOfAstro

Jul 23rd: Supernova vs. White Dwarf: Who Wins?
Supernova vs. White Dwarf: Who Wins? Will the CMB disappear one day? Why do comet tails curve? @PaulMattSutter will answer these questions at #365DaysOfAstro

Jul 16th: Look Ma, I Got a Comet
Still in NEOWISE week. Let’s check out comet NEOWISE. And will we ever go comet-chasing again? More with @PaulMattSutter #spaceradio at #365DaysOfAstro.

Jul 9th: That’s a Big Black Hole!
The biggest black hole ever seen?
What’s the difference between planets and stars? Are particles inside of spacetime? Why can’t we communicate faster than light? @PaulMattSutter will discuss this topic at #365DaysOfAstro

Jun 25th: The Sun is on Fire!!!
This week we have a ring of fire, ESA’s Solar Orbiter, how voids change light, aliens civilizations out there?. #365DaysOfAstro

Jun 18th: Close But No Cigar
New Exoplanet with star and planet resembles to the Sun and Earth. Well close but no cigar. More about it with @PaulMattSutter at #365DaysOfAstro