The Observer’s Calendar for November talk about t Corona Borealis to Nova to the Halloween Fireballs, also pairings of the Moon & Venus, Jupiter, & other planets.

The Observer’s Calendar for November talk about t Corona Borealis to Nova to the Halloween Fireballs, also pairings of the Moon & Venus, Jupiter, & other planets.
What will happen to Betelgeuse? How bright will it get? When will it go supernova? Will we get to see it? How do we predict supernovas?
Lets travel the night with Project Breakthrough Listen that search ET signals & Zwicky Transient Facility discoveries of Type IA supernova
Today Cosmic Savannah discuss with Professor Phil Diamond about the construction commencement ceremony in Australia and the future SKAO.
Today’s top story brings us 39 new gravitational wave detections of black holes and neutron stars, courtesy of the LIGO and VIRGO detectors.
Today H’ad Astra Historia continues the discussion with Dr. Jarita Holbrook tell us her story of the AAS’ Astronomy Oral History Project.
Most exoplanets discovered without actually see the planet at all & astronomers are working on starshades to resolve planets directly!