Today H’ad astra historia featured Dr. Jarita Holbrook who tells the story of the Astronomy Oral History Project.
H’ad astra historia Archive
Jun 27th: A Distinguished Career Part 2
Join us today for a discussion about distinguished career with Dr. Steve Maran as he shares with us about his experience from his almost 70 years working, and having fun, in astronomy.
May 30th: A Distinguished Career
Dr. Steve Maran (retired from NASA and AAS) shares stories with us from his almost 70 years working, and having fun, in astronomy.
Apr 30th: Egyptian Star Clocks
Dr. Luna Zagorac describes her research into Egyptian Star Clocks – the ‘star charts’ found written on the ceilings of pharaoh’s tombs approximately 3000 years ago.
Mar 28th: Women in Science History
Dr. Sethanne Howard talks about Women in Science History, including En’Hedu’anna – the first astronomer whose name and work we know – who lived 4,000 years ago in Mesopotamia.