Dec 12th: Informal chat with Space Historian, Andrew Chaikin
Andrew Chaikin discusses about his interests in Space Exploration & Astronomy that led to a career as a writer & his journey to interview the Apollo Astronauts.

May 18th: Alan Stern’s Virgin Galactic Flight into Space
Alan Stern has been in involved in more than 20 NASA missions. Dr Stern discusses his Virgin Galactic flight into space , the future of space communications, & the latest findings of NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto & beyond.

Mar 16th: Interview with Charlie Bolden re: Black History Month
Former NASA Astronaut & NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden discusses his growing up as an African American in the segregated US South, & his and other African American’s experiences with and accomplishments to the US Space Program

Jan 11th: Exploring The Moon With Robert Reeves
Today’s Cosmic Perspective talk to Robert Reeves and discusses his new book, “Exploring the Moon with Robert Reeves” and how it can be used as a learning experience for a novice and an amateur astronomer

Aug 10th: Astronaut Eileen Collins & Author Jonathan Ward
Today we have the first woman to command & pilot a U.S. Space Shuttle, Eileen Collins & Author Jonathan Ward discuss their book “Through The Glass Ceiling To The Stars”

Dec 29th: Interview with Colonel Joe Kittinger
Today, we have @Andy_SSA discussion with Colonel Joe Kittinger about his experiences as a fighter pilot his experiences as a fighter pilot, prisoner of war, first person to gas balloon solo across the Atlantic, first person to parachute jump from more than 100,000 ft and many more.

Dec 7th: 50th Anniversary of Apollo 17 with Geoffrey Bowman
Author Geoffrey Bowman discusses the life of discusses the life of Apollo 17 Command Module Pilot Ronald Evans… from his experiences as a naval fighter pilot in the Vietnam War to last man to perform a spacewalk on an Apollo lunar mission.

Nov 8th: Cosmic Perspectives: Dutch Astronomy in Wider Society – ASTRON
Today Comic Perspective discuss about technology & education’s direct impacts of astronomy to the world.

Jul 13th: 50 Years of Apollo: Interview with Jim Lovell
Gemini & Apollo Astronaut Capt James Lovell discusses his Gemini 7 & 12 missions that, the first manned mission to orbit the Moon & see Earthrise.