Greg Leonard discovered an asteroid which could be visited by human astronauts. Eric Christensen discovered 3,000′ diameter PHA 2017 CH1.

Greg Leonard discovered an asteroid which could be visited by human astronauts. Eric Christensen discovered 3,000′ diameter PHA 2017 CH1.
Telescopes are, in a way, time-travel machines to the distant past & faraway galaxies when our Universe is still very young.
A survey of the stellar nursery in the Orion Nebula Cluster provides evidence that stars compete for material and their size.
Today we’re talking with Voyager Deputy Project Scientist Dr. Jamie Rankin and learning about all things interstellar, from not only the twin Voyagers (humanity’s only interstellar spacecraft) but also from spacecraft operating within our star system.
It seems reasonable to ask, should we invest in an interstellar mission now, or wait a few decades or even centuries for better technology to come along which could make the trip much shorter?
It’s time for an update on fast radio bursts, a phenomenon we’ve only known about for a few decades. In this time astronomers have learned a tremendous amount them.
Bye bye Comet C2 2015 V2J which discovered by Jess Johnson & won’t be coming back. Also mission to test growing tomatoes in Lunar & Mars.
How big is big? and How far is far? Let’s explore the answer with @CosmicSavanah and Tshiamiso Makwela (the news host).
Using data provided by the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 citizen science project, volunteers found a possible large planet or brown dwarf orbiting its star.