Dec 1st: Bright and Bald & 200 Yards of Trouble
Nov 30th: Getting Closer
Opportunity & risk. How will we find the first evidence of extra-terrestrial life? Are we safe from asteroid impacts now?
Nov 29th: Pluto’s Atmosphere Freezing Out as Pluto Moves Away
Stellar occultation when Pluto passed in front of a distant star gives info that Pluto’s atmosphere is freezing
Nov 28th: Where No One Has Gone Before
Nov 27th: Mirjana Povic
Today’s Big Impact Astronomy talk to Mirjana Povic about her works on inspiring students across Africa to bring hope and education
Nov 26th: The Many Earth-sized Worlds of TOI-700
TRAPPIST-1 has held our attention because it has so many rocky worlds orbiting a star that may allow some of them to have liquid water
Nov 25th: Homogeneity
As astronomers discovered that we live in a great big universe, they considered a fundamental question: is the Universe the same everywhere?
Nov 24th: Bright Fireball & Korean Asteroid Hunters
Travelers in the Night tell you a story about bright fireball meteors and the Catalina Sky Survey and the Korean teams of asteroid hunters.
Nov 23rd: How Galaxies Evolve – The Quest for Cold Gas
In today’s Cosmic Savannah, Jacinta sits down with Dr. Sthabile Kolwa to discuss the ways in which galaxies change over cosmic time.