Astronomers estimate there are more free roaming planets in our galaxy than planets in orbit around stars. Trillions worlds wandering alone

Astronomers estimate there are more free roaming planets in our galaxy than planets in orbit around stars. Trillions worlds wandering alone
Neutrinos are produced in the Sun through nuclear reactions. Lets learn how this elusive particle was first theorized & finally discovered.
Today’s Travelers in the Night discuss about the Earth’s faint corona of gas surrounding it & experiments to deal with dangerous space rock
What is gracing the September 2024 skies? A just barely partial lunar eclipse, the best viewing for Saturn, 5 lunar close encounters, & transition to fall.
Quasi-satellite Kamo’oalewa, which currently orbits the Earth, is similar to a lunar sample collected during the Apollo 14 mission.
For September, ActualAstronomy discuss about Mercury observation, occultation of Saturn & Antares by the Moon, & possible comet headed our way
Is the asteroid Belt really like the sci-fi depictions and are there other places in the solar system where these fragments of the early solar system roam? And no talk on asteroids would be complete without considering the threat to Earth
One day, we’ll contemplate the possibility of reshaping Mars to suit human life. Is it even possible? What technologies would be used?
Today’s Travelers in the Night will tell a story about the search is on for advanced civilizations & Ultima Thule, New Horizon’s target.