This week we’ll talk about Euclid of Alexandria, the ancient Greek mathematician who inspired the mission. Let’s learn about his contribution

This week we’ll talk about Euclid of Alexandria, the ancient Greek mathematician who inspired the mission. Let’s learn about his contribution
Dark Energy Camera (DECam) confirm that early-Universe quasars formed in regions of space densely populated with companion galaxies
The formation of rocky worlds from dust particles containing ice & carbon, increasing the possibility of Milky Way filled with aquatic planets
People ask why we’re stuck with chemical rockets. Good news, there are other, exotic science fiction-sounding propulsion systems out there.
Today’s Big Impact Astronomy podcast feature Astronomy as a grounding force during war with Taisiia Karasova and the birth of Astro Sandbox
How did Pluto get demoted? What makes a planet a planet anyway? Why do we now have so many different kinds of planets, and should we make things simpler?
Today’s Traveler in the Night tell a story about Project Breakthrough Listen to search for life & Zwicky Transient Facility take image of the entire northern sky
In November Saturn and Jupiter are the steady highlights above, Venus shines brilliantly before dawn, and rocks fall from the sky.