he Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the December 2020 Night Sky and place a focus on sky events to help newcomers find Geminid and Ursid Meteor Showers, Lunar Libration Craters, Comets plus a detailed guide on how to watch The Great Conjunction Unfold!
Nov 19th: Starter Telescopes for Beginner Astronomy
In this episode we discuss telescope options for skygazers looking to take the next step in astronomy or for gift givers looking for telescope buy advice during the holiday season.
Nov 5th: Objects to Observe in the November 2020 Night Sky
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the November Night Sky. In this episode we focus on sky events to help newcomers learn the night sky as we discuss Meteor Showers, Comets to locate and how to use the Moon to find Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, Venus and Mercury!
Oct 29th: Guide to Observing the Moon
Today’s Actual Astronomy dicuss about unaided, naked eye observing, sketching, the best times to observe, the different areas on the Moon and what sorts of things you can actually see with a telescope or binoculars.
Oct 13th: Objects to Observe in the October 2020 Sky
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the October Sky places a focus on sky events to help newcomers find Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. They also discuss the Orionid Meteor Shower and two full Moons in October!
Sep 17th: Andromeda Constellation Deep Dive
The Actual Astronomy Podcast discuss some of the astronomical history and mythology of the constellation Andromeda as well as the stars and deep sky objects to observe in this region of the sky.
Sep 4th: Objects to Observe in September 2020
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the September Sky places a focus on sky events to help newcomers identify the planets and detailed observations of the changing surface of Mars and the Cloud tops of Venus, Saturn and Jupiter.