Today’s Travelers in the Night tell a story about Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2023 SZ1 and neighboring galaxy, M31, in Andromeda

Today’s Travelers in the Night tell a story about Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2023 SZ1 and neighboring galaxy, M31, in Andromeda
Today’s Travelers in the Night talk about what planet Earth will be like when C/2023 P1(Nishimura) back in 2455 AD.& Hycean Worlds.
Today’s Travelers in the Night bring you stories about 322P/SOHO & the Capricornus Observatory discovery of two Earth approaching asteroids
Water for Martian Colonist! The discovery of layer of ice under Mars’s surface & 2016 WJ1, a large Earth approaching asteroid.
Travelers in the Night tell you a story about bright fireball meteors and the Catalina Sky Survey and the Korean teams of asteroid hunters.
Today’s Travelers in the Night talk about the discovery of the largest asteroid in a decade & green airglow waves brighter than Milky Way
Today’s Traveler in the Night tell a story about Project Breakthrough Listen to search for life & Zwicky Transient Facility take image of the entire northern sky
Lets travel the night with Project Breakthrough Listen that search ET signals & Zwicky Transient Facility discoveries of Type IA supernova