Join us today as we talk about one of my favorite areas of research, pulsating stars, and how researchers have used data from NASA’s TESS mission to understand them. We also look at new evidence for watery plumes erupting from Jupiter’s moon Europa. And finally, we discuss how the SOFIA observatory has found clues for why Pluto’s atmospheric haze continues to exist.
The Daily Space Archive
Apr 29th: Massive Supernova & The Origins of ‘Omuamua
Astronomers announced the discovery of the brightest, most energetic, & most massive supernova. And the new theory possibly Explaining the mysterious interstellar object ‘Oumuamua!
Mar 31st: Black Hole Imaging, Quasar Wind, and ‘Tatooine’ Planetary Disks
Today’s stories cover getting razor-sharp black hole Image, detecting the powerful jets and winds produced by quasars in the galaxy, taking better images of Earth-like planets around other stars.
Feb 20th: Good Night Spitzer
After 16 years of taking amazing data that has generated amazing science, the Spitzer space telescope was decommissioned.