Join us today for a discussion with Dr. Franck Marchis and Beth Johnson as they delve into the thrilling search for life on Saturn’s icy moon, Enceladus.

Join us today for a discussion with Dr. Franck Marchis and Beth Johnson as they delve into the thrilling search for life on Saturn’s icy moon, Enceladus.
New research discovered that TRAPPIST-1e’s atmosphere is being stripped by strong electric currents, quashing some hopes that the world is habitable.
A tale of destiny and danger, The Asteroid Hunter chronicles firsthand the high-stakes OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission, narrated by Principal Investigator Dr. Dante Lauretta. More about the book, the mission, and the future of asteroid science. at #365DaysOfAstro
Today we have SETI Artist in Residence Program Director Bettina Forget discussion with Emma Nordin from Art21, premieres Xin Liu’s video, and then speaks with her about this latest show and its scientific concepts.
Only eight times in history have scientists found an asteroid, tracked its trajectory toward Earth, and caught the resulting fireball on cameras. The latest of these eight events happened in January 2024, with the discovery of asteroid 2024 BX1, a mere three hours before impacting the atmosphere over Europe. And of course, the SETI Institute’s own Dr. Peter Jenniskens was hot on the trail, flying to Germany to help search for meteorite fragments.
Throughout human history, comets have fascinated us. For members of Unistellar’s Citizen Science Network, however, comets can be seen at faint magnitudes under a range of night sky conditions. This week SETI Live will talk about citizen scientist observations of comets 12P/Pons-Brooks and C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)
Communications specialist Beth Johnson chats with Dr. Phil Plait about his latest book Under Alien Skies & just what wonders await us in our solar system and out amongst the stars.
With a first flight on April 19, 2021, NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter broke ground on new capabilities for remote planetary missions. After three years, the mission ended. More about Ingenuity accomplishments on today’s podcast
Join us for a discussion about Saturn’s moon Mimas that once thought to be a cold, solid body of ice & rock and now appears to harbor a vast global ocean beneath its icy crust at #365DaysOfAstro
In a groundbreaking cosmic quest, the COSMIC project at the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is expanding the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). More about this project on today’s #365DaysOfAstro podcast