Short gamma ray bursts are caused by the merger of two neutron stars. However, not all short gamma-ray bursts are associated with galaxies. In this podcast, Brendan O’connor, described recent research into the host galaxies of short gamma-ray bursts.
May 10th: Supervolcanoes Remain Active Post-Eruption Longer Than Thought
Research into the Toba caldera and its super-eruption 75,000 years ago shows that magma continued to flow out of the volcano for thousands of years. Plus, magma and volcanoes throughout our solar system
May 9th: Nova predictions and China to the Moon
This month excitement builds for the predicted Nova outburst in Corona Borealis as well as looking forward to China launching a sample return mission to the far side of the Moon.
May 8th: Electric Mayhem: TRAPPIST-1e’s Atmospheric Erosion
New research discovered that TRAPPIST-1e’s atmosphere is being stripped by strong electric currents, quashing some hopes that the world is habitable.
May 7th: Why is it So Hard to Return to the Moon?
If we went to the Moon already, why can’t we go back so easily? What technology have we lost? What are we trying to do differently?
May 6th: Dwarf Galaxies
It’s time to begin a new mini-series. And today @AstronomyCast start with the dwarf galaxies, which flock around larger galaxies like the Milky Way. Are they the building blocks for modern structures?
May 5th: Dust Moons & Space Weather
Today Travelers in the Night talk about the discovery of two large ghostly neighbors at the L4 and L5 and a powerful solar eruption
May 4th: Last Minute Astronomer May 2024
May brings us reliable sights with slow-rolling changes. Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon all dance in the morning twilight all month as we gear up for Spring and Summer constellations.
May 3rd: Catch the (Alien) Rainbow
Today EVSN discuss about planet WASP-76b which appears to be a giant iron glory in the atmosphere of another world: a circular rainbow, and it’s not caused by refracted starlight!
May 2nd: The Observer’s Calendar for May 2024
Today Observer’s Calendar for May with Actual Astronomy talk about meteor shower, Mercury in the morning sky lines up with other planets and Pallas at opposition.