Today, we’re dedicating majority of the show for: SpaceX’s failure to follow rules, regulations, & norms of international spaceflight.

Today, we’re dedicating majority of the show for: SpaceX’s failure to follow rules, regulations, & norms of international spaceflight.
Time travel & aliens. We’re all going to die. Could future science save us? Why there’s a universe of potentially habitable worlds, but no-one’s talking?
This month the episode comes from the dark skies of Wales as it is AstroCamp time! Discussion of Hera and Europa Clipper probes, comet news and the live recording of the Astrocamp panel! Enjoy
The next big milestone for exoplanets is a telescope that can see beyond beyond the frontiers of our knowledge: The Roman Space Telescope
Let’s talk about that giant telescope that’s changing everything. The James Webb Space Telescope, AKA the JWST.
Today’s Travelers in the Night talk about JWST spotted a geyser of water vapor in Enceladus and the discovery of asteroid 2023 KM5
The observable Universe is finite, which means there are limits to what we can see, now and deep into the future. Today’s discussion talk about cosmological horizon.
Time for news in space and astronomy. This week we have volcanic glass beads, dino prints, asteroid exploration, & tales from the launch pad.
The Actual Astronomy Observer’s Calendar talk about Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS & the pairings of the Moon and Venus, Jupiter and other planets.
George’s Random Astronomical Object presents the planetary nebula NGC 7094 where the star at the center is not quite a dead white dwarf yet.