Cheap Astro Archive
May 28th: Watch This Space
Date: May 28, 2010 Title: Watch This Space Podcaster: Steve Nerlich with Eran Segev Organization: Cheap Astronomy Description: Eran Segev helps Steve to articulate the importance of the...
April 12th: A Planetary Defense System
March 23rd: What Can the Dark Matter Be?
February 27th: Ceres – Dwarf Planet or Very Big Asteroid?
January 29th: The Dreamtime Meteor Crater
January 5th: How Far is Far?
Date: January 5, 2010 Title: How Far is Far? Podcaster: Steve Nerlich Organization: Cheap Astronomy: Description: Since we can only see distant objects as they appeared...
December 18th: Galaxy Formation
Date: December 18, 2009 Title: Galaxy Formation Podcaster: Steve Nerlich, with Dr. Pamela Gay Organization: Cheap Astronomy: Description: Prepare concentrated quark-gluon...