Today @AwesomeAstroPod look at what makes the moon shine, why the moon looks different every night and how objects from dust and asteroids to stars and galaxies either reflect or emit their own light.
May 3rd: Aurora on a Welsh Mountain
This month Awesome Astronomy News talk about new data on the M87 blackhole, the architecture of planetary systems, the hottest stars, an impact crater in France and how Mars might not have been oxygen rich.
Apr 27th: Searching for ET & Aliens in Space
Are we alone in the cosmos? Do aliens exist? How are we looking for them? And how long will it be before we know for sure? Well, we’re searching every corner of space for alien microbes or signals from ET.
Apr 19th: Creating the Impossible- Manufacturing in Orbit
Jeni visits Space Forge and talk to CEO Joshua Western about that fateful launch from Cornwall on Virgin’s Cosmic Girl & an update on their mission to build reusable satellites to manufacture materials.
Apr 11th: The Distance to the Moon
How far away do you think the Moon is? It looks deceptively large and close in the sky.But here we’ll show you what will happen to the Moon, how far away it is and how we know with such accuracy.
Apr 6th: An Exfoliating Spa on a far off World
Mar 29th: Why Does the Earth Spin?
Why Does the Earth Spin? We’ll tell you straight away without having to hang around until the end of the video. That’s our USP!
Mar 22nd: The Astronomer With His Own Sun: Professor Robert Walsh
Today’s @AwesomeAstroPod interview Professor Robert Walsh who with artist Alex Rinsler has created a giant representation of the Sun as an outreach and art project that uses the data of the Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Mar 9th: Predicting Supernovae
What will happen to Betelgeuse? How bright will it get? When will it go supernova? Will we get to see it? How do we predict supernovas?
Mar 1st: The Universe is Broken. Again
Today’s @AwesomeAstroPod talks about latest JWST findings that may have broken cosmology and changed everything we thought we knew about the history of the universe. Also March Sky Guide!