And now Cassini is gone. Let’s look back at some of the science gathered by Cassini so far and what we could still learn from this epic journey.

And now Cassini is gone. Let’s look back at some of the science gathered by Cassini so far and what we could still learn from this epic journey.
This week, we return to our starting point, where Astronomy Cast began: Pluto. 11 years on, we have a whole new appreciate for the dwarf planet Pluto.
Science fiction has misled us that if you want to colonize or visit other star systems, It’s very, very easy. But the reality, of course, is that the laws of physics are a lot more difficult than science fiction has taught us. But at the same time we just wanna know how we’re gonna get to live on other worlds.
Astronomy Cast discussion about major career paths you can take that relate to astronomy and space, and the kinds of things you’ll need to do to actually make yourself a good candidate for that field.
Pamela and Fraser talk about What to do, and (perhaps more importantly) what NOT to do during Solar Eclipse!
We know intelligent life evolved here on Earth. It must be common across the Universe, right? But if there’s life out there, where’s all the life?
If you’re wondering how many extraterrestrials there are in our galaxy, you just have to use a simple equation developed by astronomer Frank Drake in 1961
We see the Universe in visible light with our photon detecting eyes. But there’s a whole spectrum of photons out there, from radio waves to gamma rays that astronomers use to understand the Universe. It’s time to see the whole picture.