Astronomy Cast Archive
Jul 26th: Time

Jul 26th: Time


Time rules our lives. We live each day with the moments broken up into hours, minutes and seconds. But can you imagine not being able to tell time at all, where the movements of the Sun and the stars was the only way to know when it was? Let’s learn about time.

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Jul 26th: Time

Jul 5th: The SETI Renaissance


Last week we talked about the various ways that astronomers could detect the presence of intelligent civilizations by observing technosignatures. This week we’ll give you an update on the state of the search for extraterrestrials. This field has gone from a collection of pariahs to a completely legitimate field of research. What’s changed?

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About Our Podcast

The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. In 2013, we evolved to add video, and in 2015 we joined the International Year of Light.

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