It’s been 15 years since Pluto was kicked out of the planet club. Are there any updates? Does Pluto have a chance of regaining planethood again?

It’s been 15 years since Pluto was kicked out of the planet club. Are there any updates? Does Pluto have a chance of regaining planethood again?
Have you ever heard that photons behave like both a particle and a wave and wondered what that meant? It’s true. This week we discuss the experiments that demonstrate this, explain how scientists figured it all out in the first place.
This week we wanted to give you a basic physics lesson. This isn’t easy physics, this is a lesson on the basic numbers of the Universe. Each of these numbers define a key aspect of our Universe.
Everything in the Universe is spinning. In fact, without this rotation, life on Earth wouldn’t exist. Let’s find out about the physics involved with everything that spins
As part of her trip to England, Pamela had a chance to sit down with Oxford astrophysicist Chris Lintott and record an episode of Astronomy Cast. From the first stars to the newest planets, molecules and the chemistry that allows them to form affects all aspects of astronomy. While most astronomers group molecules into three bins of hydrogen, helium and everything else, there are a few who do proper chemistry by studying the sometimes complex molecules that form between the stars.
Today, @AstronomyCast traveled back in time to answer questions about black hole surfaces, magnetic field strengths, & the speed of gravitons
This week we’re going to talk about famous stars. We’re talking about those hot balls of plasma across the distant Universe. #365DyasOfAstro
Dreaming up new planets is a favourite pastime of science fiction writers, but the universe often has them beat. Today we will look at the diversity of these worlds. #365DaysOfAstro
Do you know that volcanoes have shaped many of the planets and moons in the Solar System, not just our own Earth? And that including cold volcanoes on some of the icy object. More with @AstronomyCast