Astronomy Cast Archive
Dec 13th: Rockier Moons & Giant Asteroids

Dec 6th: Gas Giants


For the longest time the only gas giant planets that we knew about were Jupiter and Saturn. But now, in the age of extrasolar planets, astronomers have discovered thousands of gas giants across almost as many star systems. What new discoveries have been made about gas giants, both here in the solar system and across the Milky Way

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Dec 13th: Rockier Moons & Giant Asteroids

Nov 15th: Ice Giants


Uranus & Neptune are Ice Giants, filled with water and other volatiles that we’d consider ice if it was here on Earth. What’s inside these worlds and what can we expect to find across the Milky Way as we find more?

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Dec 13th: Rockier Moons & Giant Asteroids

Nov 8th: Crowdfunding Science


Funding for basic science has always been a tricky business. But who knows how many fascinating discoveries were never made because of a lack of funding. And we now live in an era where regular people can come together to fund scientific discoveries.

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Dec 13th: Rockier Moons & Giant Asteroids

Oct 18th: Planet 9


After Pluto lost its planethood we were down to 8 planets. But there’s growing evidence of another world or worlds out beyond the orbit of Pluto. Is Planet 9 out there and how will we find it? Could there even be a Planet 10?

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About Our Podcast

The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. In 2013, we evolved to add video, and in 2015 we joined the International Year of Light.

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