Rob Sparks Archive

Oct 8th: Encore: The Gemini Observatory
The Gemini Observatory is an international collaboration that runs twin 8.1 meter telescopes. Today, Dr. Verne Smith discusses the collaboration, the Gemini telescopes and their instruments.

Sep 10th: Robo AO
Adaptive Optics systems are used on telescopes around the world to remove the blurring produced by Earth’s atmosphere. In this podcast, Megan Nieberding talks about Robo AO, a robotic adaptive optics system that has been installed on the 2.1 meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.
Podcaster: Rob Sparks, Megan Nieberding
Title:Robo AO

Aug 13th: Citizen CATE and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Podcaster: Rob Sparks, Myles McKay, Sarah Kovac, Honor Hare and Logan Jensen
Title: Citizen CATE and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Jul 9th: Proto Galaxy Clusters In The Early Universe

Jun 11th: Kilodegree Extremely LIttle Telescope-South (KELT-S)

May 14th: NEID: A Precision Spectometer For Exoplanet Research

Apr 9th: The NOAO Data Lab

Mar 12th: Journey Through The Universe