Rob Webb Archive
Sep 1st: Observing With Webb in September 2018

Jun 2nd: Observing With Webb in June 2018


June is more exciting than normal, by providing us a chance to see all the naked eye planets by month’s end, lunar close encounters with all but Mercury, and an especially close one with Saturn (only 1˚!), with most planets visible for long periods of the night. So get out your scope and try to find all the planets in one night!

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Sep 1st: Observing With Webb in September 2018

Jan 6th: Observing With Webb in January 2018


Mornings are for the planets this month, with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all making appearances, including conjunctions of two different pairs of these planets. The Moon will pass by each of these planets, be full twice, and be eclipsed by Earth’s shadow, but only visibly in certain spots.

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The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. In 2013, we evolved to add video, and in 2015 we joined the International Year of Light.

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