Venus still reigns over the March skies, with two conjunctions, three glorious visible planets each morning, and the astronomical start of spring.
Feb 1st: Observing With Webb in February 2020
February starts out slow, but picks up speed as the dawn skies get crowded with some favorite planets, a lunar flyby, an occultation of Mars for some, Venus shining bright all month, and all naked eye planets visible at some point.
Jan 4th: Observing With Webb in January 2020
January, though probably very cold, will bring us 2 close encounters, 1 meteor showers, and 4 naked-eye planets, along with some very long nights.
Dec 7th: Observing With Webb in November 2019
December, though probably very cold, will bring us some close encounters, a meteor showers, all 5 naked-eye planets, and some very long nights.
Nov 2nd: Observing With Webb in November 2019
Oct 5th: Observing With Webb in October 2019
Prepare your instruments for planetary observations and it’s time for #Orionid #meteorshower. #365DaysOfAstro
Sep 7th: Observing With Webb in September 2019
September is very uneventful, with a week of a close encounter lineup of the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn, and the rather uneventful Autumnal Equinox. However, the nights are getting longer and the days shorter and cooler.
Aug 3rd: Observing With Webb in August 2019
August is yet another month of Jupiter and Saturn, their shining very bright in evening and perseid meteor showers.
Jul 6th: Observing With Webb in July 2019
July is the month of Jupiter and Saturn this year, with both gracing the skies all night. Check it out at #365DaysOfAstro with @MrWebbPV
Jun 1st: Observing With Webb in June 2019
June will be warmer, with shorter nights, but still some good events. Watch for Mercury and Mars in a conjunction mid-month, Jupiter up all night long, and some good lunar close encounters.