What triggers ice ages and other climate events? How are sunspot cycles and orbital motions related to climate patterns? What does Jupiter have to do with all this? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman!
Oct 3rd: What Secrets Are Hiding In Triton?
What’s so cool about Triton? How did it end up in orbit around Neptune, and what can we learn from it? Could we send a mission there one day?
Sep 19th: Where Are All the White Holes?
How are white holes different from black holes? What would happen if you were stuck inside of one? Why don’t they appear in the universe?
Sep 5th: How Far Do We Travel in Our Lives?
What is the combined motion of everything in the universe? How does all of that influence us? Are we just going around in circles, or is there something more? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman!
Aug 15th: What are the Weirdest Names in Astronomy?
What are some wild stories behind names in astronomy and physics? How did we get the jargon words that we did? What are some of the funniest names?
Aug 1st: What’s the Difference Between Science and Pseudoscience?
What’s the difference between science and pseudoscience? What is a scientific mindset? How are we able to spot pseudoscience when it’s happening? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman!
Jul 18th: How Did Annie Jump Cannon Bring Order to the Universe?
How was massive astronomy done in the 1800’s? Who were the Harvard Computers? How did Annie Jump Cannon figure out how to classify stars?
Jul 4th: Is the Universe a Giant Black Hole?
Why didn’t the big bang collapse in a singularity? What would a universe-sized black hole be like? Now that I think about it, do we live inside a giant black hole already?
Jun 20th: Could the Earth Leave the Solar System?
Could we nudge the orbit of the Earth to avoid the death of the Sun? Could it get kicked out of the solar system altogether? What are rogue exoplanets?
Jun 6th: How Does Light Slow Down?
If light always travels at the speed of light, how does it slow down when passing through air or water? Does it matter is light is made of particles or waves? What’s the difference between phase velocity and group velocity, and how does that all play into this?