Paul M. Sutter Archive

Sep 4th: How Do Magnets Work?
What’s the connection between motion and magnetism? How can something like a black hole have a magnetic field?

Aug 30th: One Moon, on the Rocks

Aug 23rd: A Bad Space Joke

Aug 21st: Why Do We Need Cosmic Inflation?
What was going in the very early universe? How does inflation provide the seeds of larger structures?

Aug 16th: Feel My Magnet

Aug 9th: What’s Wrong With Your Face ?

Aug 7th: Why do we need cosmic inflation? (Part 1)
What are some weaknesses with the standard Big Bang model? What are the horizon and flatness problems? How does accelerated expansion solve these?

Aug 2nd: Martian Pool Party
There is Lake on Mars and Einstein was right again. How hard is it to find water on mars? Do you want to know more about it?