Jan 17th: Dirty Space Bugs
What about tardigrades in space? What is the universe expanding into? more at #365DaysOfAstro with @paulMattSutter
Jan 15th: Hey, Who Took All The Antimatter?
Why are matter and antimatter symmetric? What happened in the early universe to make matter win? Do we have any clue as to why? What do puppies have to do with it? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman!
Jan 10th: You Are Not a Hologram
Do you want to build a snowman? Do we live in a hologram? Why don’t we understand gravity? How big is the universe? Find the answer with @PaulMattSutter at #365DaysOfAstro
Jan 3rd: Stupid Red Dust
Could we live on Mars? Could we have a telescope big enough to spot cows on another planet? Does time stop inside a black hole?,
Jan 1st: Does Light Experience Time?
What does ‘time’ mean for light? What is the real lesson of the twin paradox? How can we all agree on the true age of the universe? Why is it all so technical?
Dec 27th: Astronomy for Ancients
@PaulMattSutter interviewed Dr. Emily Holt and talk about prehistoric and historic cultures, how they used astronomy, and how we know about it!
Dec 20th: The Altiplano
Dec 18th: How Did We Figure Out that Stuff is Made of Atoms?
How and when did we realize that atoms exist? How did we learn to understand their properties? How was Ernest Rutherford hogging all the science for himself? find the answer here at #365DaysOfAstro with @PaulMattSutter
Dec 13th: The Stars are Out Tonight
How hot was the cosmic microwave background? Do gravitational waves travel at the speed of light? How do we understand cosmological redshift?