Join @PaulMattSutter in #spaceradio as he will discuss about the edge of the Milky Way, will we ever understand dark matter? What happens in a particle collision? How can we see the CMB?
Is the universe alive? more at #365DaysOfAstro
Apr 7th: Does Planet Nine exist?
Why do we think the solar system might have another planet? Why do we think it doesn’t? How do test for something that’s too far away to see? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman!
Apr 2nd: The Science Behind #flattenthecurve
Join us as @PaulMattSutter will talk about the science behind #flattenthecurve. That’s includes social distancing, and how do we respond to pandemics without a vaccine?
Mar 26th: Coronavirus Can’t Stop Astronomy!
This is a hard times for astronomers. But even though we #stayathome, you can learn astronomy with so many online resources. We also have news about black holes, trojan asteroid and more at #spaceradio
Mar 19th: Iron Rain of Awesomeness
We have an awesome exoplanet which raining iron. Wouldn’t it be cool to live there? Or… not? Check it out with @PaulMattSutter at #365DaysOfAstro
Mar 17th: Why is the speed of light the way it is?
Why is the speed of light so important in physics? Why does the value not matter at all? And why does it have the speed that it does? I
Mar 12th: Freeman No More
Freeman no more. And more question to answer regarding catch a virus from Mars, where of all the energy in the universe go. Get a free autographed copy of my book!
Mar 5th: We’ve Got a Mini-Moon!
Earth has mini-Moon! But it’s temporary. Will the universe expand forever? Can something come from nothing?
Mar 3rd: What Powers a Hypernova?
How can a supernova become even more powerful? Why do we have such a hard time studying them, let alone defining them? What happens when you let a giant star unleash its full potential?
Feb 27th: Secrets of Arrokoth
Divining Arrokoth’s secrets. How can we spread life in the galaxy? What happened in the early universe?