Today’s Travelers in the Night tell us stories about tiny Atira discovery and should martian microbes be sacrificed to human space exploration?

Today’s Travelers in the Night tell us stories about tiny Atira discovery and should martian microbes be sacrificed to human space exploration?
Today’s Travelers in the Night discuss about 2016 VA discovered by our host and smooth rock on Mars’ Mt. Sharp nicknamed “Egg Rock”.
Today’s Travelers in the Night talk about JWST spotted a geyser of water vapor in Enceladus and the discovery of asteroid 2023 KM5
Today we have Travelers in the Night telling stories about OSIRIS-Rex touched down in Bennu and the discovery of 2022 KL8
Today we have stories about using Rosetta to create watercolor paintings, sculptures, a musical collaboration, and smell of comet
Today’s Travelers in the Night discuss about the Earth’s faint corona of gas surrounding it & experiments to deal with dangerous space rock
Today’s Travelers in the Night will tell a story about the search is on for advanced civilizations & Ultima Thule, New Horizon’s target.