If your are wondering how far the human race has gone in changing our planet, you should look into rock and ice layers currently being produced on planet Earth.
Dec 4th: Zero and Deuce
Today’s Travelers in the Night talks about the discovery of 2016 AM2’s path that had a zero distance between it and the Earth’s orbit. Also the discovery of a pair of comets: C/2015 X8 & C/2015 YG1.
Nov 27th: How Close & Still Out There
Nov 20th: Blinky & Blinky Revealed
This week Travelers in the Night brought you a story about Blinky a.k.a 2015 Jy, the asteroid that had missed the Earth and its collision fragment.
Nov 13th: Great Night & Jupiter’s Comet
Today Travelers in the Night will tell a story about the discovery of a dozen new Earth approaching object candidates including 2015 XY1 and Jupiter’s comet 2015 XL128.
Nov 6th: Smoking Moon & Dead Comet
Today’s Travelers in the Night discuss about liquid water in Enceladus and A potentially hazardous asteroid 2015 TB145 close approach to Moon and then to the Earth.
Oct 30th: Stretch Marked Moon & Life’s Core
Today we have the story about The end of the line for the moon of a planet is when it reaches the Roche Limit distance from its host and a modern ribosome found in a particular organism is organized into layers
Oct 23rd: Carbon Comets & Hot Lunation
Oct 16th: Toy Asteroid & Stealthy Asteroids
Today we have story about an asteroid small enough to fit under basketball hoop visiting Earth, Moon, & Mars and NEOWISE ability to spot asteroid.