Podcaster: Steve Nerlich

Title: Dear CA #111: The Planets
Organization: Cheap Astronomy
Links: http://cheapastro.com
Description: Cheap Astronomy tries colonising the Solar System. We’ve plundered Earth, what’s next?
Dear Cheap Astronomy – If we did colonize the Solar System, what would we do with the different planets?
It remains to be seen if we will spread out across the solar system. While we starting to feel more confident about avoiding a mass extinction asteroid strike, a super-volcano eruption could just as easily end civilization as we know it. There’s also the more mundane scenario of where our population keeps growing, we run low on resources and then fight a bunch of wars over what’s left, pretty-much trashing what’s left of the ecosystem in the process.
Dear Cheap Astronomy – If we colonized the Solar System, Part 2
In part 2, we are looking into the far future which has access to speculative technologies, which may or may not come to pass. Indeed, as we stated in Pt. 1 we may never get beyond leaving a few footprints on our local satellite before civilization as we know it collapses. But if we assume the rise of technology can be kept on its current trajectory indefinitely, then sure, all sorts of things could become possible.
Bio: Cheap Astronomy offers an educational website where you’re only as cheap as the telescope you’re looking through.
Today’s sponsor: Big thanks to our Patreon supporters this month: Paul M. Sutter, Chris Nealen, Frank Frankovic, Frank Tippin, Jako Danar, Michael Freedman, Nik Whitehead, Rani Bush, Ron Diehl, Steven Emert, Brett Duane, Don Swartwout, Vladimir Bogdanov, Steven Kluth, Steve Nerlich, Phyllis Foster, Michael W, James K Wood, Katrina Ince, Cherry Wood.
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End of podcast:
365 Days of Astronomy
The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Planetary Science Institute. Audio post-production by Richard Drumm. Bandwidth donated by libsyn.com and wizzard media. You may reproduce and distribute this audio for non-commercial purposes.
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