Podcaster: Shane and Chris

Title: Stars A Month by Month Tour of the Constellations with Mike Lynch
Organization: Actual Astronomy
Link : https://actualastronomy.podbean.com/ ; https://www.deepskyeye.com/
Description: The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Stars A Month by Month Tour of the Constellations with Mike Lynch. In this episode Meteorologist Mike Lynch joins us to talk about his beginner book Stars A Month by Month Tour of the Constellations. Chris, Shane and Mike discuss his interest in astronomy, an accident resulting in a telescope fire and how he has been involved in teaching people the night sky and what people can do to understand the sky overhead.
Bio: Shane and Chris are amateur astronomers who enjoy teaching astronomy classes and performing outreach where they help the eyes of the public to telescope eyepieces.
Today’s sponsor: Big thanks to our Patreon supporters this month: Paul M. Sutter, Chris Nealen, Frank Frankovic, Frank Tippin, Jako Danar, Michael Freedman, Nik Whitehead, Rani Bush, Ron Diehl, Steven Emert, Brett Duane, Don Swartwout, Vladimir Bogdanov, Steven Kluth, Steve Nerlich, Phyllis Foster, Michael W, James K Wood, Katrina Ince, Cherry Wood.
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Stars A Month-by-Month Tour of the Constellations with Mike Lynch on Episode 436 of the Actual Astronomy podcast. I’m Chris and joining me is Shane. We are amateur astronomers who love looking up at the night sky and this podcast is for everyone who enjoys going out under the stars.
Mike Lynch grew up in Richfied, Minnesota. After two years at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities he transferred to the University of Wisconsin in Madison and earned his B.S. degree in Meteorology. Shortly after he was hired as a broadcast meteorologist at WCCO Radio in Minneapolis and has been there for over 30 years. Mike has covered all kinds of weather from deadly tornados to record cold snaps. In fact on February 2nd, 1996, he broadcasted from Tower, Minnesota when the temperature dropped down to 60 below zero, an all time record low for the state of Minnesota.
Mike’s other passion has been astronomy. He built his first telescope when he was 15 and for over 40 years has been teaching classes and putting on star parties through community education, nature centres, and other organisations throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. His goal is to help people make the stars their old friends.
From 2004 to 2007 Mike wrote Astronomy/Stargazing books and WCCO Minnesota Weather Watch in 2007 and writes a weekly Starwatch column for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and more than two dozen other newspapers across the United States. His most recent book is Stars A Month-by-Month Tour of the Constellations!
Welcome to the show Mike!
How’s your weather.
Let’s get to know Mike:
What is the observing like there in Minnesota?
How did you get interested in astronomy?
What are your favourite aspects of astronomy?
I see lots of scopes on your website, what telescopes did you start with and what are you using now?
Do you belong to any astronomy clubs?
Freelance Community Astronomy Educator?
Let’s Talk about your new book Stars, A Month-by-Month Tour of the Constellations?
Can you tell us about your book, why you wrote it and who it is for?
It’s well laid out with some introductory material and a chapter dedicated to each month.
Nice star chart for each month plus a star hike and some mythology.
I like your recommendation for a reclining lawn chair and binoculars and that you mention this frequently which is awesome since many people don’t pick up these tools until later.
What are you using for binoculars?
How can people buy your new book Stars, A Month-by-Month Tour of the Constellations?
Concluding Listener Message: Please subscribe and share the show with other stargazers you know and send us show ideas, observations and questions to actualastronomy@gmail.com
365 Days of Astronomy
The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Planetary Science Institute. Audio post-production by Richard Drumm. Bandwidth donated by libsyn.com and wizzard media. You may reproduce and distribute this audio for non-commercial purposes.
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