
Podcaster:  Shane and Chris

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Title: Objects to Observe in the November 2022 Night Sky

Organization:  Actual Astronomy

Link :

Description: The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the November 2022 Night Sky and places a focus on how to get the most out of the Mars Opposition and the happenings overhead. This month we have a lunar eclipse and several pairings between the Moon and Planets and we also talk about what asteroid we are on the lookout for this month and a bright comet that may be on the horizon.

Bio: Shane and Chris are amateur astronomers who enjoy teaching astronomy classes and performing outreach where they help the eyes of the public to telescope eyepieces.

Today’s sponsor:  Big thanks to our Patreon supporters this month: Rob Leeson, David Bowes, Brett Duane, Benett Bolek, Mary Ann, Frank Frankovic, Michael Freedman, Kim Hay, Steven Emert, Frank Tippin, Rani Bush, Jako Danar, Joseph J. Biernat, Nik Whitehead, Michael W, Cherry Wood, Steve Nerlich, Steven Kluth, James K Wood, Katrina Ince, Phyllis Foster, Don Swartwout, Barbara Geier, Steven Jansen, Donald Immerwahr

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Welcome to Episode 270 of the Actual Astronomy Podcast the Objects to Observe in the November 2022 Night Sky. I’m Chris and joining me is Shane.

We are amateur astronomers who love looking up at the night sky and this podcast is for anyone who likes going out under the stars.
* Shane do you have any guidance or advice for people who are looking to
get started in astronomy?
* Get a good little chart or Nightwatch
* Make a Red Light
* Binoculars
* Mars is at opposition December 8th but if you have a telescope, or know someone who does, now is the time to get it out.
* We did an episode a few weeks back but how about a little minor Mars advice?
* Where is it? Up in Taurus
* Binoculars…just a little circle
* Telescope – Polar Caps / Hoods, dark areas like Syrtis Major/ Deserts like amazonis, clouds
* Nov 1 – 1st Quarter & Saturn 4-degree N of the Moon
* Nov. 3rd – Double Shadow Transit, we might catch the end here…good for EST and East. And if you happen to be listening from Antarctica…the asteroid Juno will be Occulted by the Moon…within 1-degree for elsewhere.
* Juno, otherwise known as 3 Juno because it was the third asteroid discovered, in 1804, by German astronomer Karl Harding. It is one of the largest asteroids containing ~1% of the total mass of the asteroid belt.
* * * Nov. 4th – Moon with Jupiter 2-degrees N
* * Nov. 5 – S. Taurid Meteors Peak – really too close to full moon
* Nov. 8th – Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse AND Uranus Occultation…for those W of us.
* Nov. 9th Uranus at Opposition
Uranus was observed many times before it was recognized as a planet, however, it was mistaken for a star. Perhaps the earliest observation was by Hipparchos in 128 BC may have noted it as a star for his star catalogue that was later added into Ptolemy’s Almagest. John Flamsteed alsot catalogued it in 1690 next to the Star 34 Tauri and French astronomer Pierre Charles Le Monnier observed Uranus at least twelve times between 1750 and 1769, including four consecutive nights. But William Herschel bagged the discovery when he observed Uranus on 13 March 1781 from the garden of his house. Goeorge’s star. Later Named after the Greek God of the Sky, Uranus…and has resulted in several centuries of jokes for the less mature astronomers out there.

* Nov. 11 – Mars 2-degrees S. of Moon – early AM
* * Nov. 14 – Star Pollux is 1.7 degrees N from the Moon and Chris is at Jury duty
* Nov. 16th – Last Quarter Moon
* Nov. 18th…yes 18th Leonid Meteors Peak at 0h UTC
* Nov. 23rd – New Moon
* Nov. 29th – Saturn 4-degrees-N of Moon
* Nov. 30th first Quarter Moon –
Thanks Shane and to everyone for listening, be sure to subscribe in your podcatching software. You can reach us at

End of podcast:

365 Days of Astronomy

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