
Podcaster:  Shane and Chris

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Title: Objects to Observe in the June 2022 Night Sky

Organization:  Actual Astronomy

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Description: The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the February 2022 Night Sky and places a focus on events to help you find the planets as the Moon. This month we have several Occultation events and some interesting night shining clouds to stay on the lookout for. We also talk about when and how to observe the Lunar X and Straight Wall as well as what comets and asteroids to look out for this month.

Bio: Shane and Chris are amateur astronomers who enjoy teaching astronomy classes and performing outreach where they help the eyes of the public to telescope eyepieces.

Today’s sponsor:  Big thanks to our Patreon supporters this month: Rob Leeson, David Bowes, Brett Duane, Benett Bolek, Mary Ann, Frank Frankovic, Michael Freedman, Kim Hay, Steven Emert, Frank Tippin, Rani Bush, Jako Danar, Joseph J. Biernat, Nik Whitehead, Michael W, Cherry Wood, Steve Nerlich, Steven Kluth, James K Wood, Katrina Ince, Phyllis Foster, Don Swartwout, Barbara Geier, Steven Jansen, Donald Immerwahr

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Welcome to Episode 226 of the Actual Astronomy Podcast the objects to observe in the June 2022 Night sky. I’m Chris and joining me is Shane. We are amateur astronomers who love looking up at the night sky and this podcast is for anyone who likes going out under the stars.

Well Shane we’re half way through 2022!

What are some easy starting advice for beginners getting into star gazing?
The sky is broken up into degrees of measurement, 60 arc seconds = 1 arc minute = 1 degree.
THe Moon is about a ½ degree and your Fist = 10 degrees
Try binoculars on the night sky / the partially lit moon

We have several Occultations this month…but what is an occultation:
An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden by another object that passes between it and the observer. The term is often used in astronomy, but can also refer to any situation in which an object in the foreground blocks from view an object in the background.

Ceres 0.1 degrees South of Moon Occultation – Southern Canada and US
Ceres is a dwarf planet
Ceres was the first asteroid discovered, on 1 January 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi at Palermo Observatory in Sicily. Originally classified as a planet, it was reclassified an asteroid in the 1850s after dozens of other objects were found in similar orbits. In 2006, it was reclassified as a dwarf planet – the only one always inside Neptune’s orbit – because, at 940 km diameter, it is the only asteroid large enough for its gravity to make it into a sphere.

June 6th Lunar X visible
29 Amphitrite at opposition and magnitude 9.5
200km in diameter making it 5th largest asteroid
discovered by Albert Marth on 1 March 1854, at the private South Villa Observatory, in Regent’s Park, London. It was Marth’s only asteroid discovery. Its name was chosen by George Bishop, the owner of the observatory, who named it after Amphitrite, a sea goddess in Greek mythology

June 7th Lunar Straight wall and first quarter Moon
41 Daphne at opposition and 9.8 magnitude
Daphne (minor planet designation: 41 Daphne) is a large asteroid from the asteroid belt. It is a dark-surfaced body 174 km in diameter is likely composed of primitive carbonaceous chondrites.
It was discovered by H. Goldschmidt on May 22, 1856, but lost for over 6 years afterward…it is named after Daphne, the nymph in Greek mythology who was turned into a laurel tree.

June 11 Venus 1.6-degrees South of Uranus
June 14th Full Moon
Mercury Greatest elongation West so visible in morning Sky
June 18th – Saturn 4-degrees North of Moon
June 19th Vesta 0.7 degrees north of Moon – Occultation for S. America and Antarctica

Vesta – Vesta (minor-planet designation: 4 Vesta) is one of the largest objects in the asteroid belt, with a mean diameter of 525 kilometres (326 mi). It was discovered by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers on 29 March 1807 and is named after Vesta, the goddess of home and hearth in Roman mythology.

Vesta is thought to be the second-largest asteroid, both by mass and by volume, after the dwarf planet Ceres,

June 21 Last quarter Moon, Solstice, Jupiter 3-degrees North of the Moon
June 22 Mars 0.9 degrees north of Moon – occultation for South Pacific
June 24 Uranus 0.05 degrees North of Moon – Occultation from Hawaii to Australia
June 26th Venus 3-degrees south of the Moon
June 27th Mercury 4 degrees south of the Moon
June 29th New Moon

Well I read o3 panstarrs disintegrated…along with our dreams of a bright binocular / possibly naked eye comet in May.

I don’t see any comets brighter than 10th magnitude.

But Noctilucent cloud season begins in earnest
They are the highest clouds in Earth’s atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 km
Noctilucent clouds, or night shining clouds, are tenuous cloud-like phenomena in the upper atmosphere of Earth.
They are made up of ice crystals and are only visible during astronomical twilight. Noctilucent roughly translates from Latin to English to mean “night shining”.
Most often observed during summer months from latitudes between ±50° and ±70° and are visible only when the observer and the lower layers of the atmosphere are in Earth’s shadow, but while these very high clouds are still in sunlight.
Studies suggest the increased atmospheric methane emissions produce additional water vapour once the methane molecules reach the mesosphere – creating, or reinforcing existing noctilucent clouds.

I have a lot of targets I want to see though with my new to me 1980’s Comet Catcher. Veil North American Nebula, IC 1396, M24, Dark Lanes, Summer Beehive, Melotte 111, M31 and the list goes on.

Thanks Shane and to everyone for listening, we’re always excited to get observing emails to

End of podcast:

365 Days of Astronomy

The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is produced by Planetary Science Institute. Audio post-production by Richard Drumm. Bandwidth donated by and wizzard media. You may reproduce and distribute this audio for non-commercial purposes. 

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