Hey 365 Days of Astronomy fans! As you know, our podcast will be continuing in 2011. There’s just one little problem: we need more of you to contribute podcasts! We still have a few dates in January that need to be filled, and since January is right around the corner, we would like to get the dates filled as soon as possible.

Here are the open dates:

January 11
January 16
January 18
January 19
January 23
January 24
January 25

And while we’re at it, we might as well beg for February dates, too:

February 1
February 2
February 4
February 13
February 14 (you know you want to do a Valentines’ podcast!)
February 16
February 19
February 21
February 22
February 23
February 24
February 25

If you’d like to choose a later date, click on the calendar tab at the top to see what dates are available the rest of the year. C’mon folks! Help us out and become a podcast star at the same time! Fame and fortune await.

Thanks, and remember its you who make 365 Days of Astronomy the biggest and most popular user-contributed podcast in the world!

To sign up, just send us an email at signup@365daysofastronomy.org and for more information, click on the “Join In” tab at the top of the page. Thanks!