March of 2024: Spring will start, Venus gets real close to Saturn, Jupiter is on its way out, and the mornings tease us with some challenging encounters between 3 planets.

March of 2024: Spring will start, Venus gets real close to Saturn, Jupiter is on its way out, and the mornings tease us with some challenging encounters between 3 planets.
January of 2024 has some slight changes to Saturn and Jupiter in the sky, 4 visible naked-eye planets, and a couple of close encounters.
December is here & the Last Minute Astronomer bring astronomy to normies and nerds, with little time to spare. We have the naked eye planets visible this month, the lunar phases, and then the meteor shower and other events, so you can plan ahead better than me.
In November Saturn and Jupiter are the steady highlights above, Venus shines brilliantly before dawn, and rocks fall from the sky.
Halloween month brings us some spooooooooky astronomy. Saturn and Jupiter soar ominously above, Venus shines before dawn, and rocks fall from the sky.
Venus shines bright at sunset all month, with Mars nearby, while Saturn, Jupiter, and even Mercury shine in the mornings, and the Beehive Cluster gets two wandering guests, all in the solstice month of June.
Venus shines bright all month, Mercury makes a 3 week appearance, Mars hangs out with Gemini, Saturn continues its morning planet season, and the Lyrids have excellent observing conditions.
Venus bright all month, Jupiter disappears, Mars hangs out with Taurus, Saturn begins its morning planet season, and Mercury peaks in for a taste of the action toward the end of the month.
Venus bright all month, Saturn disappears, Jupiter closes in on Venus, and Mars shines high and bright all month.
Not too much going on this January, other than lots of planets to see, Saturn and Venus passing within 1˚, and PERHAPS a naked-eye comet.