Hubble Returns to Observations with Oddball Galaxies

Hubble Returns to Observations with Oddball Galaxies

After several weeks of trying different methods, the operations team successfully revived the stalwart Hubble Space Telescope, which experienced a payload computer fault back on June 13. The first images taken were of several unusual galaxies. Plus, Jupiter’s moon Io triggers radio emissions from the giant planet, and this week, What’s Up returns with a look at the Summer Triangle.

Rogue Planets Found Near Milky Way’s Core

Rogue Planets Found Near Milky Way’s Core

Using data collected by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, scientists have found four free-floating, or rogue, planets near the core of the Milky Way. These planets formed in discs in other planetary systems and were thrown out by gravitational interactions with larger planets. Plus, the early solar system, including ancient Earth, Jupiter’s chemistry, and Mercury’s core.

Two Neutron Star – Black Hole Mergers Detected

Two Neutron Star – Black Hole Mergers Detected

About 900 million miles away in two different galaxies, a black hole and a neutron star merged, and their gravitational waves have been detected here on Earth. These detections add another type of merger to the collection so far discovered. Plus, new composition data on Mars’ south polar cap and a look back at the Tunguska Event. #AsteroidDay
