Searching for Planets: New Mission Goes Rogue; Possible Extragalactic Planet Found

Searching for Planets: New Mission Goes Rogue; Possible Extragalactic Planet Found

A proposed mission called the Contemporaneous LEnsing Parallax and Autonomous TRansient Assay, or CLEoPATRA, seeks to work with the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope to find rogue planets not orbiting any star. Meanwhile, a possible planet has been discovered in the Whirlpool Galaxy and could be the first planet found outside the Milky Way. Plus, an interview with Dr. Margaret Meixner, Director of Science Mission Operations for the SOFIA telescope.

Perseverance Images Confirm Jezero Crater as Ancient Lake

Perseverance Images Confirm Jezero Crater as Ancient Lake

A newly completed analysis of Perseverance’s first images from Mars finds that the landing site, Jezero Crater, was really a lake that was fed by a river, with sedimentary layers, flash floods, and strewn boulders. Plus, Central African biomass burning, Arctic permafrost melting, and we look at jewelry that celebrates upcoming missions.