In 2017, Elon Musk laid out his grand sweeping plans for the future of SpaceX, the company that would take humanity to Mars. What’s everyone going to eat?

In 2017, Elon Musk laid out his grand sweeping plans for the future of SpaceX, the company that would take humanity to Mars. What’s everyone going to eat?
As you all know, Pamela refuses to talk about any missions which aren’t actually doing science. Well, Perseverance has crossed the line, from fantasy to an actual working rover, scooping regolith and yeeting helicopters. What has the rover accomplished in its first 100 days?
Actual Astronomy Objects to Observe in the June 2021 Night Sky focus to help you find the planets as Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Venus meet up with each other and the Moon and also the annular solar eclipse and how to view it safely.
Mars is cold and dead today, but the massive volcanoes tell us what the planet used to be like, millions and even billions of years ago. But how volcanically active is the planet today? That’s what NASA’s Mars InSight lander is there to figure out.
One of the major challenges facing humans as they contemplate colonizing Mars is how to supply the air, food, and water necessary to survive and flourish.
What killed Mars billions of years ago? How can we kickstart a warming trend to transform Mars to look like Earth? What kind of technology do we need, and how well will it work? More with @PaulMattSutter at #365DaysOfAstro
This is a podcast extra episode to mark the first ever powered flight on another planet, explain what happened and why this is such a paradigm shift for future space exploration.
This week we have stories about Chang’e 4, China lunar mission whose visited the far side of the Moon and the impact which created Stickney, the giant crater in Phobos.
The Actual Astronomy Podcast presents Objects to Observe in the May 2021 Night Sky. Aside than planet, we also highlight We also talk about the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower, a variable star and Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse.