Moons May Be Beneficial to Life Beyond Earth

Moons May Be Beneficial to Life Beyond Earth

New simulations find that to form a moon with a similar size ratio to our own system, certain types of planets are needed. And that type of moon-planet system could then be beneficial to the rise of life on the planet. Plus, a Starlink launch, puffy planets, and training astronauts underwater for spacewalks.

Indigenous North American Stories Point to Comet Explosion

Indigenous North American Stories Point to Comet Explosion

By collecting and analyzing stories from a variety of indigenous cultures in North America, researchers find evidence for a mid-air explosion of a comet or asteroid, similar to the Tunguska event. Plus, a new Trojan for Earth, volcanoes and dinosaurs, ancient Mexican cacao groves, and this week in rocket history is Lunar Orbiter 3.

Newly Discovered Bright Transient Radio Source is a Mystery

Newly Discovered Bright Transient Radio Source is a Mystery

Scientists using the Murchison Widefield Array in Australia recently discovered an extremely bright source of radio waves, releasing bursts of energy three times an hour. That timing makes the object behave unlike anything else seen to date, leaving the research team with a new mystery to unravel. Plus, everything else is about water today, all over the solar system, and we present this week’s What’s Up segment.

The Curious Case of the Brown Dwarfs at 14 Herculis

The Curious Case of the Brown Dwarfs at 14 Herculis

A dynamical analysis of the 14 Herculis system has revealed the existence of two brown dwarf planets orbiting in completely misaligned, eccentric orbits. Plus, weird ice in Chicago, the ongoing debate about liquid water on Mars, one rocket goes up while a capsule comes down, and we interview Dr. Knicole Colon from the JWST mission.
