Black hole signatures, planetary nebulae, and… Bennu

Black hole signatures, planetary nebulae, and… Bennu

Astrophysicists have finally figured out how to tell neutron stars apart from black holes by finding the signature of the event horizon. Another team discovered that planetary nebulae likely get their unique shapes due to binary systems. And we present some updates on the origin of rocks (and rocks and rocks and pebbles) on Bennu. Same with Ryugu, but we don’t hate Ryugu.

Gas giant found orbiting white dwarf star and a Wolf-Rayet binary produces dust

Gas giant found orbiting white dwarf star and a Wolf-Rayet binary produces dust

Join us today as we take a look at today’s top story – a planet has been found still in orbit around its white dwarf star even after a supernova. Then we discuss how a Wolf-Rayet binary system is a dust factory. Finally, new works show neutron stars are NOT producing all those heavy elements, the solar minimum is over, Plus special guest, Sara Seager from MIT.

Dark matter discrepancy; unique supernova; extreme galaxies

Dark matter discrepancy; unique supernova; extreme galaxies

Join us today as we look at how the Hubble Telescope may have solved the dark matter discrepancy. A research team has found a unique Type 1a supernova in the super-Chandrasekhar group of novae. Plus, all those extreme galaxies (large and small) seem to be in dense regions with a lot of interactions. Afterward, were joined by astrobiologist Dr. David Grinspoon to talk about his research into potential life on Venus.

Gravitational waves lead to ground-breaking, “impossible” discovery; Triple-star planetary rings

Gravitational waves lead to ground-breaking, “impossible” discovery; Triple-star planetary rings

Join us today as we examine major news coming out last week from institutions analyzing data from the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors: the largest and farthest collision detected yet has led to the discovery of an “impossible” black hole. Plus a triple-star system has planetary rings and the camera that will be at the heart of the Vera Rubin Observatory takes its first images… of broccoli.
