Time for weekly update! The @WSHCrew will talk aboutrobotics on Mars with Dr. Ethan Schaler, Zhurong the Chinese rover on Mars, water on Neptune and Uranus, and the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse #365DaysOfAstro
May 14th: Exploring Mars With Professional Martian Dr. Tanya Harrison
This week, @WSHCrew will explore Mars with Professional Martian Dr. Tanya Harrison and news update. This week will cover Ingenuity, a bottle of wine aged in space, a strange supernova and also about Tianwen-1 Rover.
May 7th: News Round Up and Discussion with Dr. Ronald Mallett
News Round Up and Discussion with Dr. Ronald Mallett. @WSHCrew will talk about measurement of dark energy, China launches core module of its space station & StarShip SN15
Apr 30th: Taking to the HI-SEAS With Chelsea Gohd
Time for new update. @WSHCrew will discuss about what’s coming up in space, Ingenuity, Michael Collins passed away, and Chinese space station core module. And as always discussion with special guest. this time we have Chelsea “Foxanne” Gohd from space.com
Apr 23rd: TREXing Around The Moon With Dr. Amanda Hendrix
Time for new update! The #MarsHelicopter is flying on the red planet! And it’s time for TREXing Around The Moon With Dr. Amanda Hendrix and many other stories including Crew 2 Spaceflight and SpaceX wins the Moon
Apr 16th: White Dwarf Binary Systems With Dr. Ken Shen
Dr. Ken Shen talks about white dwarfs in interacting binary systems, with a focus on thermonuclear phenomena. And of course news update from Gaia, Mars Helicopter, comet Borisov and more.
Apr 9th: The Disordered Cosmos with Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
This week we are very excited to welcome Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein to talk about her book THE DISORDERED COSMOS: A Journey into Dark Matter, Spacetime, and Dreams Deferred, and news update about the helicopter on Mars.
Apr 2nd: News Update
Time for news update. This week @WSHCrew discuss about Tess exoplanet, SN #11 goes boom, satellite light pollution, and neutrino observatory.
Mar 26th: Looking For Water On The Moon With Dr. Casey Honniball
Stay tuned because the Ingenuity helicopter is about to fly and lets looking for water on the Moon with Dr. Casey Honniball
Mar 19th: News Roundup!
Time for new roundup! @WSHCrew will discuss about the source of zodiacal light, Mars water, Volantids meteor shower, and more.