Satellites on a collision course! Will the Big Rip destroy everything? What is the heat death of the universe? Why does Venus still have an atmosphere?
Oct 5th: Observing With Webb in October 2019
Prepare your instruments for planetary observations and it’s time for #Orionid #meteorshower. #365DaysOfAstro
Sep 27th: Seth & Aaron Lockman: The Astronomy Brothers
Weekly update with news from ESA exoplanet mission, venus, the monster at the center of Milky Way, SpaceX, and how to feed people on Mars.
Jun 5th: Awesome Astronomy June 2019 Discussion & Sky Guide
Jun 1st: Observing With Webb in June 2019
June will be warmer, with shorter nights, but still some good events. Watch for Mercury and Mars in a conjunction mid-month, Jupiter up all night long, and some good lunar close encounters.
May 21st: What turned Venus into hell?
What’s so bad about Venus, besides everything? How did it get so bad? How about Earth? @PaulMattSutter will answer the questions at #365DaysOfAstro
May 16th: The Universe is Kind of Big, I Guess
It turns out that the universe is kind of big. If the universe is important are we immortal? Did life happen on Venus and Mars?
Apr 6th: Observing With Webb in April 2019
April is fairly non-eventful, except for the annual Lyrid meteor shower and some good close encounters between the Moon and Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and at least one rocket launch.
Feb 2nd: Observing With Webb in February 2019
A great morning lineup in the beginning of the month, a conjunction mid-month, all the naked-eye planets visible at some point in the month, winter constellations, and a great lineup ending the month is making February look like a GREAT month for naked eye astronomy.
Dec 5th: Awesome Astronomy December 2018 News & Sky Guide
Prepare your instrument for December night sky. Comet Wirtanen will be at its closest approach. And What makes a galaxy? more with @awesomeastropod at #365DaysOfAstro