This week news: Venus at greatest elongation. Jupiter/Mars conjunction. Heat on mercury helps it make it ice. Discussion: Modeling coronal mass ejection

This week news: Venus at greatest elongation. Jupiter/Mars conjunction. Heat on mercury helps it make it ice. Discussion: Modeling coronal mass ejection
Venus still reigns over the March skies, with two conjunctions, three glorious visible planets each morning, and the astronomical start of spring.
Satellites on a collision course! Will the Big Rip destroy everything? What is the heat death of the universe? Why does Venus still have an atmosphere?
Prepare your instruments for planetary observations and it’s time for #Orionid #meteorshower. #365DaysOfAstro
Weekly update with news from ESA exoplanet mission, venus, the monster at the center of Milky Way, SpaceX, and how to feed people on Mars.
June will be warmer, with shorter nights, but still some good events. Watch for Mercury and Mars in a conjunction mid-month, Jupiter up all night long, and some good lunar close encounters.
What’s so bad about Venus, besides everything? How did it get so bad? How about Earth? @PaulMattSutter will answer the questions at #365DaysOfAstro
It turns out that the universe is kind of big. If the universe is important are we immortal? Did life happen on Venus and Mars?
April is fairly non-eventful, except for the annual Lyrid meteor shower and some good close encounters between the Moon and Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and at least one rocket launch.