Time for Observer’s Caledar for November with @ActualAstronomy. Today’s episode talk about Jupiter at opposition and the Moon pairs with Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus then M45 late this month.
Oct 23rd: Mission Roll Call Part 3: What’s Beyond Earth
Our journey through space missions continues. Now we move away from the Earth to the rest of the solar system. What’s out there orbiting, roving and flying on other worlds and in interplanetary space. Today we look inward and we’ll talk about the missions studying the Sun, Mercury and Venus.
Oct 18th: Venus is Going Backwards
All the planets in the solar system rotate counter clockwise – except Venus. A day on Venus lasts longer than it’s year!
Oct 13th: In Venus VERITAS
For decades now, our planetary science news cycles have been dominated by Mars. No, it’s time for Venus. Lets get to know VERITAS, the mission bound to Venus.
Aug 31st: The Observer’s Calendar for September 2023
Time for Observer’s Calendar and @ActualAstronomy discuss about watching the Planets Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn pair with our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in September
Aug 3rd: Objects to Observe in the August 2023 Night Sky
Time for what’s up this month in August. In this episode @ActualAstronomy In this episode we’ll talk about watching the Planets Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn and our Moon.
Jun 29th: Objects to Observe in the July 2023 Night Sky
Lets check out what’s up in July sky as @ActualAstronomy talk about watching the Planets Mars, Venus, Mercury and our Moon in the evening sky as well as other sights to see in the July Night Sky.
Observing With Webb June 2023
Venus shines bright at sunset all month, with Mars nearby, while Saturn, Jupiter, and even Mercury shine in the mornings, and the Beehive Cluster gets two wandering guests, all in the solstice month of June.
Jun 1st: Objects to Observe in the June 2023 Night Sky
Today Actual Astronomy talk about watching Mars pass through M44, the Beehive Cluster as well as other sights to see in the June Night Sky. We go over some of the pairings of the Moon and Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus during its best appearance for the year.
Apr 2nd: Roving Venus & Earth’s Pet Rock
To survive on Venus where the temperature and air pressure are high, engineers are exploring the concept of fully mechanical rover. And also Earth’s pet space rock, 2016 HO3. All at #365daysOfAstro