Jacinta takes us on a tour of her homeland, into the Australian bush, and chats about pathfinders, precursors and the exciting collaborations between South Africa and Australia!

Jacinta takes us on a tour of her homeland, into the Australian bush, and chats about pathfinders, precursors and the exciting collaborations between South Africa and Australia!
Discussions about the violent outbursts, known as coronal mass ejections with Priscilla Muheki & Prof Hakeem Oluseyi. More in @cosmicsavannah at #365DaysOfAstro
Today @cosmicsavannah will continue their discussion about simulating the Universe, focusing on the simulation of actual galaxies. #365DaysOfAstronomy
Prof Romeel Davé explains how we can use simulations to perform experiments to test our understanding of the physics of the Universe.
In this episode, @cosmicsavannah chat with Tanya & Simon about their astronomy at Namibia’s HESS Telescope & the VLA in the USA. #365DaysOfAstro
In this episode, we speak with Prof Eric Wilcots and Sinenhlanhla Precious Sikhosana about galaxies and the environments they live in.
On 10 April 2019 six simultaneous press conferences broadcast the first results from the Event Horizon Telescope – the first-ever image of a black hole. #365DaysOfAstro with @cosmicsavannah
This week we have @cosmicsavannah features Dr Imogen Whittam & Lerato Sebokolodi to discuss about Active Galactic Nuclei
In this episode Dr Griffin Foster describes the planned hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence with South Africa’s MeerKAT telescope! @cosmicsavannah at #365DaysOfAstro
In this episode @cosmicsavannah discuss about the complicated instrumentation for South African telescopes & singing asteroid.