Jun 5th: Awesome Astronomy June 2019 Discussion & Sky Guide
Jun 1st: Observing With Webb in June 2019
June will be warmer, with shorter nights, but still some good events. Watch for Mercury and Mars in a conjunction mid-month, Jupiter up all night long, and some good lunar close encounters.
May 31st: Dr. Molly Peeples of the Space Telescope Science Institute
StarLink vs. astronomy, Cryovolcanism on Pluto, and hey you can send your name to Mars. more at #365DaysOfAstro with @WSHcrew
May 26th: Oppy Why Look
Along Oppy’s 28 mile long discovery journey the rover has accumulated scientific information on Martian geology & its thin atmosphere.
May 23rd: The First Stars were Weird
The first stars were weird. What’s the connection between the first stars and giant black holes? Was every galaxy once a quasar?
May 16th: The Universe is Kind of Big, I Guess
It turns out that the universe is kind of big. If the universe is important are we immortal? Did life happen on Venus and Mars?
May 9th: Titan is Weird
May 2nd: Who Farted on Mars?
How is Mars getting all its methane?
Why are there no green stars? How do we know what the big bang made?