Tag: amateur astronomy
May 2nd: Astronomy in Your Pocket: Astronomy Apps for iPhone
May 1st: Noche de las Estrellas, Mexico's Nationwide Star Party
April 30th: Astrotips
April 25th: The Moon – Our Sidekick
April 21st: Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances
April 15th: Creativity and Astronomy
Date: April 15, 2010 Title: Creativity and Astronomy Podcaster: Tatiana Ouvarova Description: As the annual World Creativity and Innovation Week starts today, the natural creative spirit in my...
April 11th: Celestial Coordinates
April 10th: Introduction to Practical Astronomy
April 4th: Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Jovian Radio Astronomy
Date: April 4, 2010 Title: Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Jovian Radio Astronomy Podcaster: Edgardo Molina Organization: Pleiades Research and Astronomical Studies A.C. in Mexico...