Got your eye on that $40 telescope at Walmart? Wait, hear us out first! Fraser and Pamela discuss strategies for getting into amateur astronomy

Got your eye on that $40 telescope at Walmart? Wait, hear us out first! Fraser and Pamela discuss strategies for getting into amateur astronomy
Join us for an exclusive SETI Live event, as we take a first look at the next-generation telescope from Unistellar – the ODYSSEY.
Join us today as @ActualAstronomy discuss about creating photographic-like sketches through 28-inch portable reflector with Howard Banich
Time for @AwesomeAstroPod news round-up and skyguide. We have JWST, new type of nebula, detecting life in Europa, exoplanet around dead star, galaxy with no dark matter and more. #365DaysOfAstro
What’s the best gear you can gift to amateur astronomer? Or what’s the best telescope you can get this year to do your hobby? Listen to today @deepastronomy for answers.
This episode features a beginner’s telescope kit that we think is high quality and designed to get you off to a good start.
Breaking News! It’s time for season ten of the award winning 365 Days Of Astronomy podcast to start. With a new year comes a new theme. As we leave behind Totality 2017, we will embrace Amateur Astronomer contributions and the importance of citizen science with 2018, the Year of Everyday Astronomers.